Pilot Program Of Community Health and Social Assistance: A child development, community assistance, and mutual aid project.

Community Health and Social Assistance Pilot Program: a child development, community and mutual assistance project.

Lead Haiti, a non-profit organization and twin sister of Compassion for Humanity, inc. Founded in January 2004 by the Reverend Pasteur Jose Jean-Pierre, after a sad observation of his country’s social, economic and political degeneration, have had and still has the sole purpose of helping the children of the Haitian community and around the world. Indeed, wanting to honor the promise of Lead Haiti as described in his slogan: “the vulnerable children first!”, Reverend Bishop Jose Jean-Pierre had the magnificent idea of setting up a very large activity of mobile clinic under the themes of “Community health and social assistance pilot program” for a period of ten long days, starting from August 28th to September 8th, 2023.

Planned on the Lead Haiti campus located in Milot, more specifically to Genipailler, the primaries purposes of this pilot program was:
– to provide medical care to more than 1,500 children and adults of the motherhopd community of the Lead Haiti organization and those of the organization’s partner institutions,
– to adequately feed the children participating in the program,
– and Provide biblical teaching of these same children.

“It was an important activity, explains the Pastor Dionel Variste, Executive Director of Lead Haiti. This idea came after the tragic death of a child from the community suffering from some sort of disease.”

With the support of New Hope Hospital, led by Dr. Eugène Maklin, the participation of doctors, nurses and medical staff from this hospital, thanks to the financing of compassion for humanity, sister organization of Lead Haiti also founded by the Reverend Bishop Jose Jean-Pierre and based in the United States, conducting joint operations to reduce extreme poverty in Haiti and around the world by raising children, families and disadvantaged communities over extreme poverty, the realization of this program was possible.

At a short interview with Mr. Noël Wenny Saint Preux, medical technologist participating info the program the service of New Hope Hospital, he said that this Community Health and Social Assistance Pilot Program was extremely important for the local population, and that he could feel the favorable welcoming ovation that receives the project by the community. An impression shared by the Accounting Secretary of the Lead Haiti organization, Mr. Wislet Dumorne, who reminded the other citizens concerned by community development the important impact that these types of activities have in the communities in which they are organized. “If all the people involved could organize this type of activity in their local community, Nou Tap Kwape Anpil Maladi”.

Lead Haiti members have worked hard, followed training sessions organized by New Hope Hospital Nurses, participated in emergency planning meetings and thus facilitated the success of this activity that was very important fo them and Pastor Jose Jean-Pierre.

The rest of the activities is scheduled for this Thursday, September 21th, 2023 with a recreational day at the Milot Sans-soucis Palace for children who participated in the Community Health and Social Assistance pilot program. This day will mark the end of the activities before the start of the school year, a day during which the children will benefit of a well-supplied school kit by the care of the Reverend Bishop Jose Jean-Pierre.

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